Board of directors

Adrian Pike
Adrian Pike joined the company’s board in July 2020. He holds degrees in Electrical Engineering and Management a...

Bjarni Þórður Bjarnason
Vice Chairman
Bjarni Þórður Bjarnason joined the company’s board in June 2019. Bjarni Þórður holds a C.S. degree in Mechanical...

Heike Bergmann
Board member
Heike Bergmann joined the board of the company in May 2019. Heike holds a Master’s Degree of Business Administra...

Margrét Ormslev Ásgeirsdóttir
Board member
Margrét Ormslev Ásgeirsdóttir joined the board in April 2023. Margrét holds a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering an...
Board of HS Orka

Tómas Már Sigurðsson
Tómas Már Sigurðsson holds a degree in civil and environmental engineering from the University of Iceland and a ...

Björk Þórarinsdóttir
EVP of Finance and Information Technology
Björk Þórarinsdóttir, holds a Cand. Oecon degree in Business from the University of Iceland and is a certified S...

Kristinn Harðarson
EVP of Operations
Kristinn Harðarson holds an M.Sc. degree in Manufacturing Engineering and Management from the Technical Universi...

Sunna Björg Helgadóttir
EVP of Technical Services
Sunna Björg Helgadóttir holds a B.Sc. degree in Mechanical and Chemical Engineering from the University of Icela...

Arna Grímsdóttir
EVP of Legal Affairs
Arna Grímsdóttir holds a Cand.Jur degree from the University of Iceland and is a certified District Court Attorn...

Friðrik Friðriksson
EVP of Sales and Services
Friðrik Friðriksson is an electrical engineer from the University of Southern Denmark, and he is the Executive V...

Ásbjörn Blöndal
EVP of Resources and Project Development
Ásbjörn Blöndal holds a B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering and an M.Sc. degree in Energy and Planning from t...

Jón Ásgeirsson
EVP of Strategy and Improvement, and the Resource Park
Jón Ásgeirsson joined HS Orka in March 2020 as Excecutive Vice President of Strategy and Improvement, and the Re...
CEO's office

Petra Lind Einarsdóttir
Human Resources Manager
Petra Lind Einarsdóttir holds a degree in Industrial Technology from the Technical College in Iceland as well as...

Finnur Sveinsson
Business Manager and Leader of Sustainability
Finnur Sveinsson holds a degree in Buisness Administration from the University of Iceland with an M.Sc. degree i...

Birna Lárusdóttir
Communications Officer
Birna Lárusdóttir holds a B.A. degree in Mass Communcations from the University of Washington in the United Stat...