The President of Iceland, Mrs. Halla Tómasdóttir, was the guest of honor at a women’s gathering hosted by HS Orka last Thursday in celebration of the company’s fiftieth anniversary. The event was held at the company’s new offices in the Turninn in Kópavogur, with special invitations extended to members of KÍO, Women in Energy – Iceland.
About 70 guests listened to brief presentations by five female executives of HS Orka, with more people wanting to attend than could be accommodated, resulting in a waiting list for the event. The presentations provided good insights into the company’s operations, followed by an informative fireside talk between the president and Björk Þórarinsdóttir, CFO and deputy CEO. Mrs. Tómasson shared her experiences of taking on the new and challenging role of President of Iceland and her vision for how Icelanders can exert their influence on the international stage, particularly in terms of sustainable energy utilization.
The atmosphere in the Tower was lively, as can be seen in photos taken by photographer Elísabet Blöndal. Guests enjoyed refreshments from Hjá Höllu in Suðurnesjabær, but the presidents namesake, Halla, previously operated in Grindavík, near HS Orka’s headquarters in Svartsengi.